Salt Products
Animal Husbandry
Plastic Beakers
Glass Beaker (Pyrex)
Erlenmeyer Flask (Pyrex)
Graduated Cylinder (Pyrex)
Glass Stirring Rod
Test Tube Stand
Stainless Steel Needle Plate
Socorex Micropipette 10-100µl
VitLab Micropipette 10-100µl
Glass Slides
Glass Slide Covers
Thermometer with Probe
Laboratory Thermometer 0-100ºC
SonopTek Wireless Animal Scanner
Pregnancy Tester BMode
Draminski Estrous Detector
Renco Pregtone 2 Pregnancy Tester
Renco Pregnancy Tester Series 6
Draminski Pregnancy Tester
Foam Tip Sow Catheter with Anti Back Flow
Foam Tip Gilt Catheter with Anti-Backflow
Foam Tip Sow Catheter with End Cap
Foam Tip Gilt Catheter with End Cap
Spiral Tip Anti Back Flow Catheter