What is Water Softening?
Water softening is the process of removing calcium, magnesium, and certain other minerals naturally found in hard water. Hard water leaves scaling deposits on plumbing fixtures, appliances and other everyday objects, clogging pipes and reduce the efficiency of appliances.
Soft water is more compatible with soap and extends the lifetime of your existing plumbing system. Water softening is usually achieved using Sodium Chloride or salt.
The Process
A typical water softener has a tank that contains thousands of tiny resins that hold electrically charged ions. When freshly regenerated, the resin become full of sodium ions from the water softener salt. As the hard water passes through the water softener unit, the calcium and magnesium ions attract to the resin. Sodium ions are then exchanged for the hard water ions. After the water softener then delivers soft water throughout your system.

Which Salt is Right for me?
The right salt can make the difference!
Pelletized. This salt is recommended for homes that want the cleanest salt possible that leaves no sediments or impurities in which has the potential to create bridging under the salt tank that could build up over time and cause damage in the filtration system of the softener unit. This leads to an increased efficiency of your water softener unit, delivering a clean and maximum saline solution for the water in your home.
White Rock Water Softener Salt
Crystalline Rock Salt. This is recommended for homes that wants to see no visible impurities, and salt that can deliver high salinity in every regeneration process. It allows better salinity throughout your pipes with no visible impurities or sediments.
Mixed Coarse Salt. This salt is recommended for commercial water treatment facilities, or as a disinfecting agent for swimming pools.
Granular Sea Salt. This salt is recommended for industrial water treatment and for other high volume applications, or chemical production.